The secret of the golden Fujica
Super 8 Magazine #11 out now
Here are the topics of the newest issue:
The secret of the golden Fujica
The Fujica P1 and Z1 models were not actually intended to be the first movie cameras for the Single-8 system from Japan. They were both intended for a different movie film system that never came onto the market. Why did Fujifilm suddenly throw all its plans overboard? The golden Fujica is a kind of hybrid from this period. Details are revealed in this exciting story looking back to the years 1963 to 1965.
The plans of the delicatessen dealer
For over 30 years, Daniel Wittner and his company have been active in providing cinephiles with a wide range of products. In recent years, he has concentrated more on converting and slitting film stock in Double 8, Super 8 and 16mm formats. Wittner’s customers are often other distributors from all over the world who trade in film material. The company boss talks to our magazine about his plans for the future.
The best and the worst
The American Miles Sprietsma has already tested countless Super 8 cameras. He is particularly fond of the Minolta, Nikon, Canon and Bauer brands. In his article, he reveals which models he considers to be the best and which he considers to be the worst – and why.
40 years at the same location: Andec Cinegrell
Over a year ago, the Swiss Richard Grell took over the Andec company in Berlin (Germany). But the laboratory still resides in Berlin-Kreuzberg in Hasenheide – and has done so for 40 years. In this interview, Managing Director Ludwig Draser reveals what has changed in the company in the meantime and what plans there are for the future. Draser also talks about how Andec Cinegrell was commissioned to develop the 35mm color reversal material Ektachrome for the feature film Poor Things, which ultimately won four Oscars.
Secret recipes from Dagie Brundert
How can black and white films be developed in a particularly creative way? Dagie Brundert, who travels the world for her workshops, reveals three recipes: The Forest Developer, the Turmeric Developer and the Schnapps Developer.
The film tricks of a legend
German cinematographer Michael Ballhaus worked with many great directors during his lifetime: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola or Wolfgang Petersen. And he repeatedly used film tricks in his work that were created directly in the movie camera. The five tricks described in this article can also be used by Super 8 fans.
Film tips for beginners
Filming is fun! It has to be as uncomplicated as possible, especially at the beginning. And the results should be successful. Super 8 magazine therefore provides tips for beginners.
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