New Super 8 films from Germany
All about it in Super 8 Mag #12
Here are the topics of the Super 8 mag #12:
Super 8 competition
Take part in our film competition on the subject of WINTER. We are giving away 20 cartridges of the new Wolfen Color 400 Super 8 movie film with development & scanning. All twenty participants can then shoot their film. A jury will select the three winners from the scans received. First prize is a freshly maintained Agfa Movexoom 10 mos electronic.
News: New Super 8 Films from Germany
The Super 8 magazine presents the first results of the new Wolfen Color 400 color negative film. The new Single-8 movie film LossauColor 200D is also introduced. Furthermore in the news: innovative two-part split reels from van Eck (Netherlands) and video transfers with your own projector via smartphone.
Zach Moore: The film of his life
He started in 2019 and hopefully will finish in 2025. But a trailer on YouTube has recently been whetting our appetite for this brilliant 90-minute film portrait of the people of New York. Zach Moore planned this film meticulously and shot it with three movie cameras – on Super 8.
Zombies on Super 8
They are probably the last of their kind. Ralf Möllenhoff and his team RIP – Independent have been making horror films for 35 years. In an age when stories are rarely told with small format film, their latest production “KITO – Zombies and Cannibals” is a real exception. We’re getting the creeps just thinking about it!
Eumig Nautica: A camera learns to dive
A weatherproof and submersible cine camera did not yet exist until the mid-1970s. Gerhard Pahr, who was involved in the development of the Eumig Nautica from 1975, recalls the solutions for an underwater film camera during a lecture in Wiener Neudorf (Austria).
Argentina, freedom and Super 8
Pablo César remembers the days of amateur filmmaking in his home country. He talks about the clubs and organizations that played an enormously important role in the freedom movement in Argentina. Super 8 was not only a means of individual protest for him.
Heinz Thiele: Making 8mm Audible
In 1958, Heinz Thiele developed the first 8mm sound film projector for Zeiss Ikon in Kiel (Germany), the Moviton. The graduate engineer worked on loudspeakers, amplifiers, movie cameras and projectors. Movilux, Moviphon, Movivox – he developed many devices to market readiness.
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