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Run & Go

by Andy Sapp

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India on Super 8

by Tom Krawczyk

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Summer, 2020

by Patricia Danielle

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Ferry Ride

by Charlton Thorp

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Goodbye Summer 2019

by Russell Chai

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Isle of Bali

by Leonard Rääf

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Tokyo & New Orleans

by Adrian Bliss

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Super 8 – 2016

by Adrian Bliss

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New York, New York

by Nate Crockett

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Super 8 – 2017

by Adrian Bliss

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by Kaj Jefferies (shot with a Nizo camera); even if its called Kodachrome, its just Color Negative Film:)

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Winter of my life

by Roger & Remy Batteault

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Small is Beautiful

Agfa Microflex 200

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Beyond the Bolex

Official Trailer

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